Going to Chicago …
I’ll be in Chicago in June, for the first time in over 20 years!
Three Years A Girl
Every year, I take a photo of the progress in my journey. It’s amazing to me how much more comfortable with myself I look as time marches on!
Hanako’s Second Re-Birthday
I am staying with David, Signe, and Annika in Victoria, BC, Canada on the weekend of my 2nd Re-Birthday, and they got me a cake! Squeee! ❤️ I count my Re-Birthdays since I first started hormone therapy.
New Year’s 2023
This was a night I have been dreaming about my whole life… I got to go to a New Year’s Event in a Beautiful Dress that I Made Myself! The fact it was also a Lindy Hop Dance made it extra special!
Two Years A Girl
Two years ago, for the very first time, nervous and afraid, I snuck out of my house in girl-mode, went to the park, and took a selfie of myself. Today, I confidently returned to that same place as myself and took a new photo.
Feeling Brave and Scared
First time ever wearing a crop top! I am very Very self-conscious of my, er, figure or lack thereof. Buying this crop top and wearing it in public was a big step for me!
Getting Cuter
I'm having Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) in November 2024 ...
My First Re-Birthday
It’s very hard for me to pin-point the exact moment I decided to start my journey, but I do celebrate the day I started hormone therapy as my Re-Birthday. Hanako is one year old today, and it’s been the best year of my entire life. Dinner (and desert!) at View 202 in Redding, California.
Off to my first Christmas Party!
My First LBD!
I have been waiting my whole life to go to a nice event and wear a Little Black Dress!
First Time Shopping!
My first time shopping as a girl! SQUEEEEE! At Macys, Union Square, San Francisco, CA.