Architectural Salvage
Places worth investigating for old wood and fixtures in west coast cities I occasionally visit or pass near:
Medford, OR
Orion’s Used Building Materials
2784 W Main St B, Medford, OR 97501
Mount Vernon, WA
Skagit Building Salvage
17994 WA-536, Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(S of Bellingham)
Portland, OR
Aurora Mills Architectural Salvage
14971 1 St NE, Aurora, OR, 97002
(S of Portland)
Old Portland Hardware & Architectural Salvage
1667 SE Tacoma St, Portland, OR 97202
ReBuilding Center
3625 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227
Sacramento, CA
RePurpose Savage & Furnature
6076 Massimo Street, Sacramento, CA, 95828
San Pablo, CA
This and That INC
1701 Rumrill Blvd, San Pablo, CA 94086
Seattle, WA
Ballard Reuse
1440 NW 52 St, Seattle, WA 98107
(N part of Seattle)
Earthwise Architectural Salvage (Central)
3447 4 Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
Earthwise Architectural Salvage (North)
6838 NE 175 St, Kenmore, WA 98028
(just N or Seattle)
2U Reclaimed Furnishings & Decor
3223 6 Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
Tacoma, WA
Earthwise Architectural Salvage (Tacoma)
628 E 60 St, Tacoma, WA 98404
Second Use Building Materials
2328 Fawcett Ave, Tacoma, WA 96402