Sewing,  Unstarted Projects

2025 Sewing Pattern Backlog

Patterns that I’ve collected that I intend to sew in 2025. I had many more, but after I took a Palmer Pletsch Fitting Workshop, I discovered I was actually a 16, not a 14.

This post mostly exists so that when I’m in a fabric store, I can actually look up how much fabric I might want to purchase!

Butterick B6925 Princess Blouse

Fabric: 2 yards at 45″

Cotton/Cotton Blends, Rayon, Pique, Shantung, Crepe dé Chine, Georgette, Tencel, Tissue Faille, Lightweight Linen Blends

Notions: Five 5/8 inch buttons

McCall’s M6953 Princess Dress

Fabric: 3 yards at 45″, 2-1/4 at 60″

Medium weight woven fabrics: Cotton Blends, Crepe de Chine, Challis, Georgette

Lining: Lining Fabrics, Cotton Blends

Notions: 22 inch zipper

Butterick B6843 Dress

Fabric: 6 yards at 45″, 4-3/4″ at 60″

Medium weight woven fabrics: Cotton blends, Chambray, Poplin, Madras

Notions: Fourteen 5/8 inch buttons

Butterick B6966 Knit Top & Pants

Fabric: 1-1/2 yards @ 60″ for top, 1-3/4 yards for pants

Moderate Stretch Knits only. Cotton Knit, Interlock, Jersey, Rayon Knits

Notions: 1-1/4 yards of 3/4″ elastic

Butterick B6850 V-Neck Fit and Flare Dress

Fabric: 2-3/4 yards at 45″ or 60″

Medium Weight Woven Fabrics: Crepe, Cotton Blends, Gaberdine, Sateen

Notions: 22 inch Invisible Zipper