Hanako,  Trans

Getting Cuter

I’m having Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) in November 2024 to address some of the unfortunate aspects of my face that really bother me. This will be performed by Dr. Deschamps-Braly, who is arguably the world’s top surgeon for facial feminization.

What am I having done?

(updated July 2024)

Top to bottom:

  • Scalp Advancement, to move my hairline forward.
  • Forehead Contouring III, to flatten my forehead & re-build my sinus cavity. This will also un-hood my eyes.
  • Brow Lift, to raise and make level my eyebrows.
  • Rhinoplasty (nose job), to make the shape blend into my new forehead.
  • Lip Lift, to shorten the distance between my nose and my upper lip.
  • Genioplasty, to narrow and point my chin.
  • Jaw Countouring, to blend my jaw and my new chin.
  • Tracheal Shave, to remove my Adam’s Apple.

What is the recovery going to be like?

I’ll be staying in San Francisco for around three weeks, and my cousins Tina and Shauna are both coming to help me with the recovery! Love you! ❤️

From my pre-surgery packet:

  • Days 1-3: Moderate swelling and numbness. Grogginess. Difficulty eating and closing lips. Some icky fluids possible.
  • Days 1-10: Mild bruising and sensitivity.
  • Weeks 2-6: Itchiness and tenderness. Swelling 60-80% gone by end of this phase.
  • Months 2-6: Scars lose redness, itchiness, and tenderness. Incisions flatten. Swelling 80-90% resolved by end of this phase.
  • Months 6-24: Tissues and scars become softer, looser, smoother, and flesh coloured.

There is also a very good Reddit post that talks about this, written by someone who had the same kind of surgery with the same doctor. It’s not gory.

I’ll also be on a semi-liquid diet for 2 weeks following my surgery. That, and having to sleep in a semi-Fowler position for several weeks will probably be the worst parts of this!

What is the timeline?

  • I initially reached out in Spring 2023.
  • In August 2023, I put down a deposit to reserve a surgery date 15 months in the future.
  • I had my in-office consultation with the surgeon in July 2024.
  • And I will undergo my surgery in November 2024.