Architectural Salvage
Places worth investigating for old wood and fixtures in west coast cities I occasionally visit or pass near:
Contralto Singers I Like
My voice is basically contralto, so perhaps I should be singing along with some of these people, instead of the soprano’s that I so often find myself listening to while driving in my car…
Going to Chicago …
I’ll be in Chicago in June, for the first time in over 20 years!
Finally got my Dream Shoes!
It is not an exaggeration to say that I’ve wanted these shoes for over 20 years, even though I’m not a sandal girl! I finally tracked down a pair in “old stock” at a dance shoe store in Oregon!
New Year’s Eve 2024
At the Stormy Weather Jazz Dance Festival in Seattle, WA
Christmas 2024
2025 Sewing Pattern Backlog
Patterns that I’ve collected that I intend to sew in 2025. I had many more, but after I took a Palmer Pletsch Fitting Workshop, I discovered I was actually a 16, not a 14. This post mostly exists so that when I’m in a fabric store, I can actually look up how much fabric I might want to purchase!
Dark Autumn Notes
I had a seasonal colour analysis done in mid 2023 at Be You Personal Color Analysis in Oregon. Anne was a dear, and after an hour or so of draping, she diagnosed me as a Dark Autumn. That means (as I understand it) that I’m an Autumn season, but with some winter traits. “Fall Leaves, Savoury Spices, and Lava” is how I think about it. More visual notes on my Pinterest Dark Autumn Board
Three Years A Girl
Every year, I take a photo of the progress in my journey. It’s amazing to me how much more comfortable with myself I look as time marches on!
2025 Trip Planning
Vague planning for events I may want to attend in 2025
My First Garlic Harvest
My first year as a Garlic Rancher was a moderate success.
Not Shown: 199 Other Grants
Hello Aoshen!
Say “Hello” to Aoshen, my 2024 Toyota Sienna Minivan. She has her own page!
This Is Water
One of the best things I've ever read on living a compassionate life ...
Felt Cute
Please wait while I get organized. Thank you!
Hanako’s Second Re-Birthday
I am staying with David, Signe, and Annika in Victoria, BC, Canada on the weekend of my 2nd Re-Birthday, and they got me a cake! Squeee! ❤️ I count my Re-Birthdays since I first started hormone therapy.
In California, March is when we dig our Trenches
Spa Life Hanako
Actually, this is technically “Laser Hair Removal Hanako,” but that’s not nearly as fun sounding/
Keto Diet Success!
This is the lowest I’ve gotten. And it’s been a while since I’ve been there 🙁