Archive for May 26th, 2010


Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

I dreamt that I got promoted to Vice-President at work. On my first day as a VP, I arrived at work and opened my email…

The first email was from another VP, which said “You’re going to ruin everything. Meet me in my office so we can discuss how I can save the company from you.” I thought “This is not going to be a fun meeting.”

Potomic Cruise

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

I took a cruise on San Francisco bay last weekend on the USS Potomac, which was FDR‘s yacht back when he was president of the U.S.

The cruise was put on by Keeble and Schuchat, and there were about 60 photographers on the cruise. It didn’t take me long to decide that I wanted to look for shots they weren’t seeing.

I did take the standard photo of the Golden Gate Bridge…

But to be completely honest, I far prefer this shot:

It was pretty windy on the bay

And I have no clever comment for this shot of Alcatraz.