Archive for January, 2008

gnu make dependency checking with directories and symbolic links

Friday, January 11th, 2008

Note: The googlefood category is just for things that I needed to know but couldn’t find on google. This will probably be uninteresting for 99.9% of the world, so feel free to skip this.

Wierd dream

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

I just woke up from a wierd dream. I seem to do that once in a while, but I never quite remember them later. So I thought I should write it down.

I was at my own wedding, marrying one of my ex-girlfriends. We were in Calgary. I had apparently proposed on a monday and the wedding was that same saturday. Somehow, all the preparations had happened and there were hundreds of people there, including the pope, which is strange, because we weren’t catholic. And he was just a guest, because the ceremony was performed by a Chinese minister with a bad haircut.

Right before the bride and I entered, we were talking and she said I’d be amazed at all the gifts she got me. I didn’t know that you were supposed to exchange gifts, and I had got her nothing. Because I was embarassed by this and didn’t want her to find out, I figured I should try to do something that would make her not want to marry me. So I told her that I just found out the day before that I was moving to California. She said “again? Why do you always do this?”

When it came time for us to come out, arm in arm, and walk to the front, there were a group of 3 attendants ahead of us. They practically ran to the stage, and so I tried to walk faster. My bride said “just because they ran doesn’t mean you have to.”

In addition to all the guests, there were Indian dance performances (?!) and then lindy hop performances. I was amazed that people had time to make all the costumes and chorograph the routines. Actually, I was just in awe of all the preperation and rehersals everyone had time to do. I certainly didn’t prepare or reherse. In fact, this was the first time I saw all of it, and I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing.

Then everyone disappeared and I was sitting on the stage alone, reading the schedule of events to try and figure out what came next. The minister came and asked if I wanted to go to the TV room, but I pretended to be inspecting the power plug for the stage and said “no.”

Then the performances started up again, and there was a musical solo. The soloist (not the bride) came up to me and sang in a questioning manner “Do you looo-ve meeeee?” and waited for my response. I had no idea of how I was supposed to respond, so she sang it again: “Do you loooo-ve meee?”

And then I woke up and had to pee.

edit: And now I’m done editing this and am going back to bed.

No dancing for you!

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

Building Condemned signI have a multitude of excuses why I don’t get things done… Procrastination; laziness; sleepyness; computer games…

Tonight I can add a new one. I went out to Sunnyvale’s weekly Lindy Hop dance, but did not get to dance because the building was condemned.

Apparently, the area the building was in was re-zoned, and it didn’t meet fire codes for its new zoning. The fire marshalls showed up a few hours before the dance, slapped “No Trespassing – Condemned” signs on all the entrances, and mentioned that “anyone entering the building would be arrested.”

Photos from 2007 Gatsby

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

Woman at GatsbyMy weekend:

Saturday: Sleep. Sleep in. Wake up. Wander around for a few hours. Four hour nap. Play computer games for a few hours. Four hour nap. More computer games. Watch Cliffhanger. Go to bed.

Sunday: Feel guilty about sleeping all day saturday. Do laundry. Spend all day in photoshop.

Accomplishment: I finally have my photos done from the Art Deco Society Gatsby Picnic in September.